Goldendoodles excel in performance events. Naturally athletic, eager to please, and easy to train - these dogs BELONG in the ring.
Agility and Rally events and training are an incredible opportunity for children and adults alike to BOND with their dogs. Training and competing with your dog is a sport - it is great fun for you, your children AND for your dog.
Canine Performance Event Trial
There is no limit to what you can teach your goldendoodle to do!
Look how much fun all parties are having!
His first agility class!
While we don't expect our dogs to run through rings of fire, it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility.
Our pre-trained program is the PERFECT foundation for Agility and Obedience. You can read more about this program on the pre-trained puppies page of this website.
This is the USDAA (United States Dog Agility Association). Anyone may compete with ANY dog. Mixed breed & purebreds alike. This is a resource for trainers, and a way to actually COMPETE and earn titles with your dog.
Earn Titles and train your dog at home in tricks and obedience and even Acting. Titles recognized by CKC and DKK.